FENG Yujun

Professor FENG Yujun is a PhD supervisor and Professor of Law at Renmin University of China. Assistant to the Dean of Renmin University Law School, Professor FENG is also the head of the LLM working committee. He is the Director of the Renmin University Law and Religion Research Centre, the Deputy Director of the Multiple Dispute Resolution Mechanism Research Centre and the Director of the Social Transformation and Governance Research Centre under the National Development and Strategy Research Institute. Professor FENG is a senior researcher at the Taiwan Legal Issues Research Institute and a researcher at the Law and Globalisation Research Centre. He is a tutoring professor as part of New Sinology Plan by the Confucius Institute.

Research interests: jurisprudence, law and religion


Professor JIANG Dong is an Associate Professor at Renmin University of China. He is the Assistant Director of Renmin University’s Centre for Common Law and the Managing Editor of the English-language journal Frontiers of Law in China.

Research interests: foreign legal history, legal English

YOU Chenjun

Professor YOU Chenjun is an Associate Professor and LLM supervisor at Renmin University Law School. He received his PhD from Peking University Law School and is the Deputy Director of the Basic Law Teaching and Research Centre. He is the Deputy Editor of Faxue Jia (The Jurist), the Deputy Director of the Law and History Research Institute, the Secretary-General of Taiwan Legal Issues Research Institute, the secretary-general of the PhD students working committee and a member of the working committee for undergraduate students.

Research interests: sociology of law, Chinese legal history, legal academic history, legal research methodology

ZHU Teng

Professor ZHU Teng is an Assistant Professor at Renmin University Law School. He received his PhD in Legal History from China University of Politics and Law (CUPL) and undertook joint doctoral training at Nagoya University in Japan. He is a post-doctoral fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Research interest: Chinese legal history

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