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Vice President Wang Liming meets Canadian Chief Justice


On the 29th of September 2015, the Centre for Common Law had the pleasure of hosting the Rt Hon. Beverley McLachlin, the Chief Justice of Canada. She was accompanied by representatives from the Supreme People’s Court and the Canadian Embassy. Professors Wang Li Ming, Vice President of Renmin University of China,Han Dayuan, Dean of Renmin University Law School, and Shi Yan’an, Vice-Dean of the Law School and Deputy Director of the Centre for Common Law, received the Chief Justice on behalf of the University.

Professor Wang expressed his heartfelt gratitude in warmly welcoming the Chief Justice, explaining that Renmin University had a history of student and scholarly exchanges with Canadian Universities such as the University of Toronto and the University of Victoria. Professor Han said he looked forward to expanding and strengthening areas of co-operation with Canada’s top universities in the future.

Chief Justice McLachlin was grateful for such a kind welcome and said she was extremely happy to have opened up this channel of academic exchange with the students and faculty at Renmin University Law School.

The Chief Justice gave a lecture for students and teachers on Constitutional Review, at which the Chief Justice was impressed by the quality of the students’ questions.
