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International Dispute Resolution Conference


On 26 November 2016, the Centre for Common Law and the Great Britain China Centre held a specialist one-day legal conference on International Dispute Resolution on the Belt and Road. It was attended by 60 legal academics, lawyers and policy-makers from six jurisdictions: England and Wales, Scotland, China, Hong Kong, Macau and India.

CCL’s largest academic conference of 2016 enjoyed the support of lawyers’ associations from the UK and China, including the Bar Council, the Law Society of Scotland, Beijing Lawyers Association, Shenzhen Lawyers Association, the Hong Kong Law Society and the Hong Kong Bar Council – all of which sent their presidents or vice-presidents.

Lord Phillips – the former UK Supreme Court President and a former arbitrator, who sits on the Qatari International Commercial Court and the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal – gave the keynote speech. Lord Phillips is also the co-President of the CCL’s Academic Advisory Council on the UK side.

The NDRC, the MFA, the Hong Kong Department of Justice and Beijing Arbitration Commission also sent delegates to the conference.
