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Transparency and Rule of Law Workshop


On 13th December 2015, the Centre for Common Law held a workshop entitled Transparency and Rule of Law in Shenzhen, China. It was attended by a select 50-person guest list including high-level representatives of relevant legal and academic bodies including ZHANG Mingqi, Vice-President of the China Law Society; JIANG Xilin, Chief of the Shenzhen Justice Bureau; GAO Shu, President of the Shenzhen Lawyers Association; HUANG Taiyun, Director of the Institute of Law and Politics under the CPC Law and Politics Committee; and Professor HE Jiahong, the Director of the Centre for Common Law. Chinese experts were joined by UK counterparts, the Rt Hon Lord Justice Bean, the Chairman of the Law Commission of England and Wales, and eminent barrister, Robert Seabrook QC. Professor HE served as the moderator for the event

At the workshop, representatives from different legal, judicial and academic institutions voiced opinions, shared experiences and discussed the steps needed for greater judicial and legislative transparency together with UK jurists. It was recognised that China has made commendable progress in legislative and judicial transparency over the past 40 years; however, there remain concrete areas for improvement. Professor HE Jiahong concluded that the purpose of open justice and transparent legislation is to guarantee the fairness and impartiality necessary to reflect people’s interests and ensure public happiness. He noted that to achieve a high-level of rule of law in China, we will want to listen to and learn from other colleagues in China, the UK and abroad in future.

The workshop was supported by the China Behavior Law Association, Shenzhen Lawyers Association and the Great Britain China Centre.
