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Frontiers of Law Seminar - Judge John Tanzer: The Digitisation of Court in the UK



主题 Topic: 英国线上法院 The Digitisation of Court in the UK    

A talk based on the steps taken and being taken in relation to digitisation in England and Wales. Judge Tanzer will basically cover what has been done in terms of digitising the criminal courts, the plan to have a common platform for crime so that the data is digital from inception, the need to digitise other areas. The need to save money but at the same time maintain quality and improve services.

主持人:  时延安教授   中国人民大学法学院副院长、普通法中心执行秘书长      

Chairperson: Prof. SHI Yan’an, Vice Dean of Renmin Law & Secretary-General of CCL


Time: 3-5pm,Nov. 21,2016


Venue: 725, Mingde Law Building



主题/Topic: How does a Judge deal with a obnoxious Jury?

What Judge Tanzer hopes will be an essentially interactive talk about jury trials. Some personal experience. How defendants and lawyers view the options when they can choose to have a jury or not. The concept of a fair trial. The role of the judge in the trial.

主持人:  姜栋副教授   中国人民大学普通法中心助理主任     

Chairperson: Associate Prof. JIANG Dong, Assistant Director of CCL


Time: 3-5pm,Nov. 22,201


Venue: 725, Mingde Law Building


演讲嘉宾简介/Speaker’s Bio:

Education in humanities and then law, Barrister, Circuit Judge in England and Wales, fundamental involvement with the digitisation process for the judiciary and the courts in England and Wales. Retired as a judge 2016 and now Director of Legal IT Strategies Ltd a new company that has just been formed so as to be able to consult. In practice as a Barrister from 1975 to 2001.Became a Recorder (part time Circuit Judge) 1993 and appointed as a full time Circuit Judge 2001. On appointment held tickets to sit in Civil, Family and Crime but latterly specialised in Crime but spending periods dealing solely with IT projects.

