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Sustainable Development, Laws and the One Belt One Road Initiative


演讲嘉宾/Speaker: Irene Khan女士, 国际发展法律组织(IDLO)总干事

IDLO-IreneKhan-FightingBacklash-WomenIrene Khan is the Director-General of the International Development Law Organization since January 1, 2012. An international thought leader on human rights, gender and social justice issues, She was the secretary General of Amnesty International from 2001-2009. Prior to that, she worked for the UN Human High Commissioner for Refugees for 21 years at headquarters and in various field operations. She studied law at the University of Manchester and Harvard law school.


时间/Time: 2017513日周六上午9:30-11:30/ 9.30-11.30am, May 13, 2017

地点/Venue: 中国人民大学法学院明德法学楼602/ 602 Mingde Law Building

主办方/ Organization:  中国人民大学普通法中心  (CCL)



IDLO 成立于1983 年,是政府间国际组织,总部位于意大利罗马。目前有16个会员国。中国于1990年加入。IDLO的主要职能是通过法律为发展做出贡献,致力于在发展中国家内促进法治和行政行为的规范,积极帮助发展中国家建立健全法律体制,克服国内贫困、实现社会正义、促进国家和平稳定发展。经过近二十年的努力, IDLO 成绩斐然,声名卓著,已经成为这一领域中的佼佼者。



