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Frontiers of Law Seminar - Louise Arbour: Protecting the Legal Rights of the Accused in the Pursuit of Justice


Topic:Protecting the Legal Rights of the Accused in the Pursuit of Justice

Speaker:The Honourable Louise Arbour

Chair: Professor He Jiahong

Time: 16:30-18:00 May 24 


The Honourable Louise Arbour is a former Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada and former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. She is currently a jurist in residence at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, where she provides strategic advice on litigation, governance and international issues and mentors younger lawyers. Madam Arbour currently sits as an ad hoc judge in the International Court of Justice and as a member of the Advisory Panel to the Minster of Defence on Canada’s Defence Policy Review. She is also a member of the Advisory Board of The Coalition for the International Criminal Court. Madam Arbour has received numerous honorary doctorates and awards; most noteworthy, she has been a Companion of the Order of Canada since 2007 and a Grand Officer of the Ordre national du Québec since 2009, as well as a Commander of the Légion d,honneur, and has been decorated by Spain, Colombia, and Belgium.

